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Update for parents

A letter has been emailed to parents with updates regarding the final weeks of the summer term.

Dear Parents and Carers 

I do hope you are enjoying the current good weather we are having! Can I just take the opportunity to update you on a number of matters. 

Technology Projects

Developing the digital skills of our students is one of the four priorities of the academy. Our technology projects give BOA Digital students opportunities to learn these and also work alongside industry experts. Before half-term, the students learned about using Artificial Intelligence or AI, a topic we hear a good deal about on a weekly basis in the news. This term, there is a project looking at coding and robotics. The students were joined by R2D2 from Star Wars last week, a popular visitor to the school! 

These days are very popular with our students and we are planning to ensure these continue into next academic year. 

Entrance into school

An area I had questions on following the parents evening was breakfast clubs. I know some parents drop children at school quite early. To facilitate this, from Monday 19th June, children will need to enter the school through the front gates and entrance. The gate at the side of the school will not be open in the morning from Monday. Children can sit in the dining room and use the smaller, lower playground. There will be staff around in the dining room, and children will be able to read and complete work. 

This will be available from 8am in the morning. 

Staffing for next year

I am delighted to report that the recruitment of staff over this term has been hugely successful. From September, Mr Sana (Computer Science and Coding), Miss Muhbauer Mbarek (Modern Foreign Languages), Mrs Whittaker (Art and photography), Mrs Mackie (Head of Science) and Mr Corrigan (humanities) will be joining our current teaching staff body. Mrs Mackie is already working at BOA Digital every Wednesday until the term ends in July. 

Each of these new colleagues will be spending time at the academy over the coming weeks, planning the curriculum for September.  

Form tutors and rooms

There will be some changes to the form tutor teams from September. In getting 'September Ready' I am planning that the new intake of Y7 children and next year's Y8 children have a mix of teachers new to the academy and those currently working at the school. I know that BOA Digital students have excellent relationships with their form tutor and all children, those new and those established, will want to know and meet their new tutor. However, the groups will be released on July 5th, so please encourage your child not to ask. I will tell all the children at the same time who their new tutor will be. 

Between now and the end of term, there will be some changes to the rooms currently being used for lessons. This is to allow us all to settle into new parts of the building, as children and teachers, in time for September. As these minor changes happen, we will give the children advance warning of their new rooms. 

Curriculum Review

I would like to invite you all visit the academy from 3:00pm -5.30pm on Wednesday 28th June. The purpose of this evening is to allow you to look at the curriculum plans for next academic year, including dates when the children will complete assessments and parents receive reports. Further to the main curriculum subjects, you will be able to look at the PSHE plans, which include when and how we will teach RSE lessons (Relationships and Sex Education.) Part of this will be the availability of seeing broadly the materials used to teacher elements of the RSE curriculum. 

Nearer the time, I will send out a further invite to this event, but I do encourage you all to come and see the materials available. 

Attendance and Uniform

Yet again, I want to thank you for all you do as parents to encourage your son or daughter to come to school looking smart and presentable. Our attendance rate is very high when rated against other secondary schools nationally and our children on the whole always look smart. Can I remind you all please, though, that footwear must not have a sports brand? I ask this so that other parents do not feel pressured into buying the latest fashion footwear for their own children that can cost more than standard school shoes. So, no Nike, addidas, Puma or other sports brands. If in doubt, please contact Miss Lucy at reception and we will be able to answer your query.  

Written Report

A full written report will be sent to families on 4th July. 

School Photos 

I am pleased to announce that on June 28th all children will have their photo taken. This can then be purchased by you direct from the company. 

Thank you for your continued support as a parent body. I cannot believe this first year is coming to a close. Whilst there was some upheaval in the first months, it is a privilege to watch your sons and daughters develop as BOA Digital students, and I look forward to seeing this continue over the coming years. 

yours sincerely 

Paul Averis


Date Reminders

20th June. School closes at 3:15pm for staff meetings and training

28th June. Curriculum Review for parents

4th July. Written Reports sent home to parents
21st July. End of term, school closes for the summer break
6th September. School opens for the new term