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Dear Parent/Carer

I hope your son/daughter has enjoyed their first two weeks at BOA Digital Technologies as much as I have. So far we have participated in various projects, involving two trips to Thinktank. Through this the children

  • Learnt how to program robots in the Lego Lab, building our knowledge of programming and our ability to work in a team
  • Enjoyed scientific outdoor activities through use of the Science Garden

The children this week also completed a PE lesson in the local Aston University sports hall.

We currently have excellent attendance with 97% of our students achieving 100% attendance so far. As you will no doubt be aware it is vital that children have excellent attendance to school in order to be fully involved in learning, to make and sustain secure friendships and to maximise the opportunities available to them such as trips, extracurricular activities and preparation for life outside school.

Our school target for attendance is 97%. I appreciate that it can be difficult to arrange hospital appointments outside of school hours however please do so as much as possible. Optician, dentist appointments etc, should be made after school or in school holidays wherever possible and they may not be authorised during the school day.

We encourage healthy eating at BOA Digital, thank you to all who have sent their son/daughter with a nutritious lunch each day. As stated in the code of conduct please remind your child they cannot have energy drinks or chewing gum in school, also fizzy drinks should not be drunk in lessons. We are a nut free school, please ensure no food containing nuts is brought into school as we have students with severe allergies.

Next week all students will be taking part in baseline assessments for English and Maths. Following this we will be looking at groupings for classes to best meet the needs of all children. PE is on Wednesday at Aston University sports hall. Please check all clothing is labelled and remind your child to bring their kit.

We have proudly presented 14 students with Star of the Week awards so far this year, we could have chosen from so many and I am sure many more will be awarded over the year. We will also be awarding subject, attendance and D.I.G.I.T.A.L. awards each half term for which we already have contenders!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully

Deb Hart
Assistant Principal (Pastoral)