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end of term letter

This letter has been emailed to parents today, detailing arrangements for the end of term and September.

Dear Parents and Carers

It is hard to believe that a year has now passed and BOA Digital is shortly to complete its first year. This week, students with 100% attendance since half-term are being taken on a trip and last week those with positive praise points had a surprise lunch of chips! Well done to those children. On Friday, the school will celebrate the successes of the year and I know that teachers have being selecting their stars. I will be giving special certificates to those children who have maintained 100% attendance this year. This in particular is a tremendous achievement when you consider the travel disruption and changing of accommodation.

On Friday, the school will close at 1:15pm. Children who have a free school meal can collect their meal as usual and as with previous occasions, children can remain on site until 2:30pm of required. Please contact the office at if you wish your child to remain until 2:30pm.

The school will re-open on Wednesday 6th September at 9:00am. All children should attend at this time, wearing their correct uniform and be ready for learning.

The website has plenty of information regarding next year.

Term dates can be found here:

Uniform guidance can be found here:

The times of lessons for the week can be found here:

Parents Evenings for the year can be found here:

Keeping you child safe online

I have many conversations with parents regarding WhatsApp groups, Snap Chat groups, Tik Tok and online gaming and I know that many of you would like to know more. During the week beginning 18th September 2023, both Y7 and Y8 children will be focussing on staying safe on line. That week, on Wednesday 20th September, starting at 5pm, I will be holding at the academy an evening. Here I will give a presentation on the very latest ideas on staying safe online for children of 11 and 12 years old in addition to highlighting what practical steps parents can take. 


I am delighted to report that we are fully staffed for September. Mrs Muhlbauer-Mbarak will be joining the MfL department, Mrs Whittaker will be teaching art, Mr Sana will be taking computer science, coding and technology projects and Mr Corrigan will join the humanities department. Mrs Mackie will be our new head of science, although she has already spent some time here this half-term.

I would like to thank Mr De Salvo for his teaching of Spanish to all of our children this year. He will be returning to teach at our sister academy, BOA CDPA.


The academy now has a company that will run our canteen and be able to serve hot food on a daily basis, in addition to snacks at breakfast and mid-morning break. The contract has only very recently been agreed so I do not yet have the details around how children can pay for their meals. I will send this out to parents before the start of term.

We will now be able to run a breakfast club from 8:00am. You child can sit in the dining room from 8:00am - 8:40am which will be supervised. It will be for reading, playing board games and quiet work. The playground will be open from 8:40am - 9:00am before lesson start.

Many thanks for your support this year. It has been unwavering. We look forward to welcoming 140 more students into the academy in September and know that our current year group will act as excellent role models to the new cohort of BOA Digital students. Have a wonderful summer and I will see you in September.


Paul Averis
