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Waiting list application


Late applicants will be placed on a waiting list for consideration should places become available after National Offer Day on 1st March 2022.
There will be no Fair Banding test for late applicants and offers from the waiting list will be made subject to our oversubscription criteria which is detailed within our admission arrangements.

If you experience any technical difficulties with this application form please email

Applicant's details

Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Details


To apply please fill out all the indicated areas in the form below.

Is your child in Public Care*

Please list below any information which you would like us to be aware of in relation to criteria of the BOA Digital Technologies Academy admission policy:

I/We declare that the above details are correct and understand that failure to disclose or the giving of false information will result in my child’s application being rejected. I also understand that should false information be given in the above details, any subsequent offer will be withdrawn and my child will be given no further consideration at BOA Digital. The BOA Group reserve the right to request evidence of student’s residential address.

I/We agree to BOA Digital processing personal data contained in this Application Form and other relevant data, which BOA Digital may obtain, from me/us or other people as part of the Admissions Procedure.

I/We agree to the processing of such data for any purposes described above. (This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).