Open Events, Parent Pay & Travel
Dear Parents and Carers
Open Events
Whilst we find ourselves in our first week of term, at BOA Digital we are already making plans for the September 2023 intake of new year 7s. With this in mind, there is an Open Day on Saturday 17th September from 10am – 1pm. Interested parents will take a brief tour of some live lessons and hear a presentation in the school theatre.
We would very much like to have some of our new students to be available on the day. The students would be in the classrooms with our teachers and taking part in some of the activities. We would expect the students to wear their uniform. I know that some teachers have already mentioned this to their classes.
If your son/daughter is able and willing to support this, could you please email info@boa- giving appropriate permission and the name of your son/daughter. We would ask that the children are available from 9:45am and can be picked up at 1.00pm sharp. If you are happy for the children to make their own way home, please put this in the email.
Your son/daughter is coming home today with two postcards advertising the event. Can I ask that you pass this on should know a family member or friend that may be interested? Families can register their interest in attending at
Parent Pay
Parent Pay has now been activated for each family. Your account is bespoke for every family so you will receive information regarding how to log on and use this facility. For those families purchasing the ‘grab bag’ lunches, you will be sent weekly an invoice for the appropriate number of lunches purchased.
Travel to and from stations
Staff escorting the students to New Street and Moor Street is going well. There is always a member of staff at both Moor Street and New Street from 8:20am – 8:30am and one escort back to the stations at 4:15pm. The students seem more confident already, but we will continue with this for as long as necessary.
Start to term
Finally, I cannot commend enough the start to term every child has made. Each student looks wonderful in their uniform and has made a great first impression with their manners and approach to the work. Well done to all. I will email out the quiz on Friday afternoon to you all!
Kind regards
Paul Averis