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Our Careers Lead for BOA Digital Technologies is Miss D. Hart. Click here to email or call us on 0121 359 9400.

To download our Careers Programme (2024/2025) please scroll down the page to download.

Useful Careers, Information and Guidance - Online Resources

As a student it is important to have opportunities to access impartial on-line resources to help you develop your aspirations, reflect and evaluate your own goals and use information obtained to help make decisions about possible options and career paths. Please see below information that will direct you to these online resources.

National Careers Service
The National Career Service provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

I Could
Website that gives you free access to more than a thousand videos related to different curriculum subjects of people telling their personal careers stories in their own words including information on Labour Market Information (LMI) e.g. average salary, skills & qualification.

Success At School
Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice. Lots of helpful advice in the advice section on employability skills, work experience, apprenticeships, university and different career paths.

is the UK’s leading careers and educational information and development website. From their website, you can learn how to write a CV, how to complete an application form, how to pass psychometric tests and also how to pass any job interview. Since 2005 they have been helping people to secure their dream job. Now it’s your turn. They are the UK’s largest and most successful career information/development specialists. They have now been online for over 14 years and have won numerous awards in the process.

University/Higher Education

Organisation responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK. They also provide innovative online tools which make it easier for students, and higher education institutions (HEIs) to manage applications and offers. There is also a parents section where parents can find all the information needed to support you with your choices and application.

Best Course 4 Me
bC4me is independent, free and shows the link between what you study, what you earn and the jobs you can get.

Graduate Prospects
Graduate Prospects is the UK’s leading provider of information, advice and opportunities to students and graduates and provides an extensive graduate careers website.