English Literature
For the GCSE English Literature exams you will sit two papers; one for 1 hour 45 minutes and one for 2 hours 15 minutes. Over the two years, the students will be diving into the works of Shakespeare, poetry and drama texts.
These tools will be shared across two exams.
- Paper one - Shakespeare and the 19th-Century novel. Worth 64 marks (40%).
- Shakespeare - Answer one question on their play of choice.
- The 19th-Century Novel - Answer one on their novel of choice.
- Paper two - Modern prose or drama texts, the poetry anthology and unseen poetry. Worth 96 marks (60%).
- Students will answer one question for each assessed topic The texts that you will be studying:
- Macbeth
- Power and Conflict Poetry
- A Christmas Carol
- An Inspector Calls
- Students will answer one question for each assessed topic The texts that you will be studying: